Monday, December 14, 2009


School was boring. (as always). I turned in work got, to become alternate of the school wide spelling bee for my class, and also I didn't dress for P.E. I can't stand some people because they are such preps. My life is random. I am random. Theat is how I like it to be. It shows that I am not shallow, like some girls. I hope you like this post. I will try to post every random day. (Everyday most likely).

Signing off for now!!
Peace Out!!
(See really random life, for a really random blog)!!

Sunday, December 13, 2009

today is so random

I wrote a poem

No Ending

As darkness approaches I stare
I don't stare into the drakness I stare out
The light is not anywhere near where I am staring
I stare farther than the depths of the oceans
Farther than the moons and the stars
I stare
And I stare into no ending
When I stare I am not staring into the eyes of death
Neitherthe eyes of life
I stare into no ending
And out of the darkness